Building energy modelling service

A building energy modelling service is a flexible approach to low energy construction and sustainability, helping you to achieve your project’s goals efficiently.

Darren Evans’ building energy modelling service is a flexible approach to building performance and sustainability. With wide-ranging expertise in low energy construction, our team takes the time to listen and understand what is important to you, and what you want to achieve.

Navigating changing building regulations, specific local authority requirements and net zero targets is complex. The right approach for one project is not necessarily best for another. That’s why we suggest a tailored range of calculation processes, compliance tools and consultancy services that will help you to meet your goals in the most efficient way possible.

Why is a building energy modelling service right for me?

Because we’ll work with you to tailor the right level of service for your project, a building energy modelling service reduces risk. For example, you might go through the design process and then find at planning stage that the local authority requires you to submit certain calculations or assessments. If you haven’t accounted for those requirements then you may need a costly redesign. Or you might get to the detailed design stage and find that it’s not possible to accommodate the building fabric measures or renewable technology needed to meet your desired end result. By engaging us to take a holistic view of your project, we can anticipate potential issues and make sure we work to tackle them long before they can become a problem. If your project and your end goals are relatively straightforward, we’ll simply provide quotes for individual services instead.

Is a building energy modelling service for domestic or non-domestic projects?

Any type of project can benefit from a building energy modelling service. The tailored approach means that only services suited to the proposed building will be offered, rather than trying to adopt a ‘one size fits all’ way of working. For example, if compliance calculations are required, then the SAP methodology will be used for a domestic project. For a non-domestic building, SBEM calculations will apply. For mixed-use buildings, both types of calculation would be offered, alongside other relevant compliance services. For non-domestic buildings, an assessment that follows the guidance of CIBSE Technical Memorandum TM54 Evaluating operational energy use at the design stage can give a realistic overview of energy use that takes into account more factors than SBEM calculations. Getting the input of key stakeholders in the early stages helps to keep project’s energy goals on track.  

Building energy modelling service offered by Darren Evans

By choosing Darren Evans’ building energy modelling service, you’ll benefit from our track record of value engineering to achieve the right result in the most efficient way possible. We can offer our service at almost any stage of a project, but the best time to get us involved is at the start. Our approach includes the following.  
  • Drawing on our wide field of expertise to provide the services that your project needs.
  • Transparency at every step of the way, so that you understand what we’re doing and how it will help to your project to meet its goals.
  • Being available to answer questions at all stages of the project, to help make sure that the outcomes we’ve aimed for together are realised in the finished building.
Our building energy modelling service is not one specific tool or type of consultancy. It can include compliance calculations, whether SAP calculations for domestic projects or SBEM calculations for non-domestic projects. We can provide Passivhaus Designer services for low-energy construction, CIBSE TM54 assessment for operational energy use, or net zero consultancy where the aim is to meet longer-term carbon reduction targets. Other complementary calculation methods and assessment services include thermal bridge detailing airtightness testing, water calculations, and daylight calculations and overheating assessment.

Top tips

  1. No project is too complex. Whether you’re dealing with a single dwelling or a large multi-use development, our expertise can help steer you towards your end goal.
  2. Communicate with others on your project team about your end goals, in the same way that you tell us about them. Everybody will then be collaborating towards the same result.
  3. Get us involved as early as possible. It gives us the most opportunity to have a positive impact on your project, and is the best way to implement a coordinated approach that will save you time and money.
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